
Breaking the news of a medical diagnosis to family and friends is a significant step that requires courage and consideration. The process not only involves sharing facts but also managing emotions—yours and theirs. It’s essential to approach this conversation with empathy and preparedness.

Understanding Your Diagnosis

Before you talk to anyone, make sure you fully understand your condition. Consult with your healthcare provider to get accurate, up-to-date information and ask for resources or literature that might be helpful for your family and friends. Being well-informed will help you feel more confident and answer questions more effectively.

Choosing the Right Time and Place

Timing can significantly affect how your news is received. Choose a moment when you and your listeners are calm and not distracted by other stresses. A private, comfortable setting encourages a more open and honest discussion.

Who to Tell First

Think carefully about who should hear the news first. You might start with those closest to you or those who will be most affected by your diagnosis. Consider the emotional and practical support you might need from each person as you decide.

How to Start the Conversation

Begin with a simple, direct approach. You might say, “I have something important to tell you about my health.” Be prepared for their initial reactions and try to stay calm and supportive as they process the information.

Explaining the Medical Aspects

Use layman’s terms to describe your condition. Avoid overwhelming your listeners with too much medical jargon at once—instead, focus on the basics of symptoms, what led to the diagnosis, and the expected treatment plan.

Addressing Emotional Impact

It’s okay to share how you’re feeling about your diagnosis. This can help others understand your perspective and encourage a more empathetic response. Invite them to share their feelings and concerns too, fostering a supportive dialogue.

Discussing the Future

Talk about what this diagnosis might mean for the future, both in terms of changes to your lifestyle and your needs for support. Be clear about what you might need from them moving forward, whether it’s emotional backing, help with medical appointments, or just understanding during tough days.

Handling Different Reactions

Prepare yourself for a range of reactions—from sadness and fear to denial and even withdrawal. Each person processes such news differently. If someone reacts negatively, try to remain calm and postpone deeper discussions for another time.

Creating a Support Network

Encourage your friends and family to be part of your support network. Discuss ways they can help, such as accompanying you to doctor’s appointments, helping with research, or simply being there to listen when you need to talk.


Concluding your discussion with a note of gratitude for their time and support reinforces positive feelings and mutual respect. Remind them—and yourself—that while the journey may be challenging, having a strong support network can make all the difference. Together, you can face what comes with hope and determination.